Mimi And The Back Door.

I have been itching in my pants to write this particular blog. I guess you can call it a sequel of sorts. The last blog titled “The Back Door” has been by far the most popular and most shared blog that I have ever written. If you have not read it yet, please go to my blog site http://www.prayingwithmyeyeswideopen.com and read it first.

When Susan granted me permission to write it, I prayed that it would serve one purpose in particular…. to help Ray’s Flowers serve the homeless in our downtown area. It did. The timing was perfect. Supplies were running low, temperatures were dropping, and the demand was higher.

I shared on my personal Facebook about my friend Kelly who was in the exact place at the exact time that God orchestrated for her to find a homeless friend that we had been looking for for weeks. Kelly’s clothes, food, toiletries and simple act of kindness turned our barely recognizable friend into a woman who left her tent and made a trip to the flower shop to show off her new attire. They say you couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. I think I’ll call her “Smiley” from now on.

That was just one act of kindness. So, so many people have and are dropping off supplies. Every single one of you are making a difference. I’m just as blessed as our hungry friends. To be able to witness simple, salt of the earth goodness! I’m reminded of Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Isn’t God good?

One afternoon recently, Smiley showed up at my office but I wasn’t there. When I returned and learned of her visit, I rushed down to the flower shop hoping to catch her. I did not, but that’s where I learned about a girl named Mimi.

Mimi made me cry.

I have never met Mimi. Even to this day. I don’t know Mimi from Adam’s house cat, as my MawMaw would say. I was sad that I missed Smiley that afternoon. As I looked around the work area of the flower shop, I couldn’t help but wonder if someone had robbed Aldi. There were bags on top of bags. That’s when Brenda started telling me about Mimi.

8 year old Mimi made that mess on the floor. That wonderful mess was a simple project of a much bigger ministry that this young lady has. I told Brenda I needed to share Mimi with my blogging world and as soon as I hit a brutal tax deadline at the end of January, I’d be needing contact information on this girl’s family.

I thought Mimi was my secret! And that I would be debuting her in this blog. Hah! Come to find out, God has been using this child in some mighty ways for quite a while. I have boys, so I’m not sure what little girls play with but I know that my boys spending their birthday money on homeless people was not on their radar. Nor was spending their time with the down and out. They were busy catching lizards and buying little toy trucks with money that burned holes in their pockets.

Not Mimi. Mimi witnessed a homeless person dumpster diving one day. Instead of pushing rose colored glasses up on Mimi’s nose, her family educated and helped her understand the ugly reality of what surrounds us. They encouraged her and gave her the necessary tools to make a difference in this world.

Mimi’s Ministry was born. With the support of her church, Steele Hill AME Zion, grandmother Doris Waiters, mom Trafonda Patton and other family members, Ms. Mimi was well on her way loving God, loving others, and serving both. Mimi spends time in downtown Charlotte’s tent city’s well as providing hot meals in Finlay park in Columbia.

I was blown away to see what this little girl’s ministry brought into Ray’s Flower’s. Humbled. And if I’m honest, there’s shame there. I’m ashamed of myself. This little girl from Fort Mill, SC that, by society’s standards, should be running from little boys with lizards, chooses to BOLDLY serve God and do the “right” thing. She’s serving homeless in 2 states! What’s my excuse as a 49 year woman? I don’t have one.

This little girl loves others through her actions. Simply, blindly, and boldly. She’s faithful. She is obedient.

I want to be like Mimi. Don’t you?Mimi, if you’re reading this, thank you for being you. May you always love and serve the Lord.

As a post note, I want to add that you can read a beautiful story written by Mandy Catoe archived in the Lancaster News. You can learn so much more about Mimi and maybe support her in her numerous ministry projects.

Until next time,

The BeanCounter

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