My Village Grew a Little More.

It’s been a little while since I have blogged.  Putting it mildly, my life has been a little hectic lately.  Pop has made a great recovery since August when he had a major surgery to remove a kidney that contained the evil “C”.  He’s had some unrelated health issues that we’ve been dealing with.  My fiesty, spitfire grandma fell in July and broke her neck.  2 months ago, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  It’s also that time of year that Preston’s calendar fills up with check ups, balance tests, breathing tests, sugar tests, stress tests, blood tests, booty tests, brain tests…. the list is endless!  Sometimes I feel more equipped to wear a fireman’s uniform than count numbers…. because it seems all I do some days is put out fires.

In the midst of all this, Hunter is interning during his senior year.  He is gone before daybreak and not home until after dark.   Then we sit down and take an English class online.   I just got the message today that my baby boy and his classmates have their senior pictures taken next week.

And to top it off, Chase flew the coop on November 1st and is still trying to get moved in and settled.  I literally got one curtain hung Sunday before I looked down and saw that I had a missed called from Pop.  I thought he butt-dialed me since he has known for the last 10 years that talking to me on a phone is about like talking to Jose from the Phillipians who was born in Canada and speaks Dutch. Ain’t happening! Deaf girl alert!  Then I saw a text from my brother Ken that simply said “Grandma just passed away”.

Let me stop right here and say this:  My grandma met her Maker.  She told me Tuesday she was ready to go to Heaven….. right after she smiled and told me I was her favorite granddaughter(I’m her only granddaughter—it was a running joke between us).  I’m rejoicing for her and even a little envious of what my Grandma is experiencing right now, being in the presence of Jesus.

Back to the village….

Do you ever just sit back and watch how things transpire and smile and look up and say “God, I know that was you!”.  That’s where I’ve been lately and even said it again tonight.  Let me explain….

I’m “that” mama that many of y’all probably talk about.  Call them mama’s boys.  We couldn’t care less.  Me, Chase, and Hunter survived the devastation of losing their beloved daddy. It changes your outlook and in our case, created a bond that I will always cherish. It made us to always show the love we have for others. I PRAY that when they are married and have families of their own, that they are still texting their mama every single night saying 3 simple words.

I am getting off course again…

Chase and I went and looked at a rental that popped up on my Facebook because a friend of a friend shared it.  Honestly, the home was in the middle of some renovations and repairs and wasn’t much to look at.  But the location and the owners were perfect for my country boy. It was just a few miles from us. He went home and prayed about it and felt like it was what God wanted.  He could see a hidden gem under all the dust.  He couldn’t sign that agreement fast enough!

The owners.  Wow.  The first time we met Mr. Fred, it was like he and Chase were long lost brothers.  In the midst of all these renovations, these 2 kindred spirits have fished together, traveled to a fly fishing class.  I met Ms. Barbara the night Chase signed his paperwork. In 2 seconds flat, it was evident that this sweet, mother hen would watch out for my boy.  They have gone above and beyond the expectations of any landlord.  Chase is now living in the home, while some of the repairs and maintenance are still being done.  I went one day last week, and Chase told me to look at his kitchen table. Ms. Barbara had cut some fresh flowers and brightened up his new home with her touch. I went this weekend, and she had hung blinds.  She’s rode with him and done legwork with getting the utilities changed out. Who does that?

Good, good people.

It gets better.  Last week, an old school acquaintance of mine( I call her acquaintance only because I’m OLDER than her) commented on a Facebook post that Chase was also her new neighbor.  She sent a warm welcome and also sang the praises of his landlords.

Earlier today, Dawn sent a message wanting to get in touch with Chase.  Later this evening, Chase told me he was at their home eating dinner with them. Wow!  Dawn and her family sent Chase away with a huge welcome package full of goodies like washing powders, washclothes, and things like that.  Dawn’s husband offered assistance in helping Chase with some other things in the home.  Chase said he already knows he found 2 more fishing buddies in their sons. Who does things like that anymore?

Good, good people.

My village has grown.  My boy may be on his own and paying his own bills, but one thing is for sure…. his mama can sleep knowing that he is surrounded by such wonderful, wonderful neighbors.

All I know is that the name of that country dirt road needs to be changed to “Blessed Hill”.  And you wonder why I look up and say…..

”Hey God! I know that was you!!”

Until next time,

The beancounter





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